

Ms. Brewer’s Class

Phone Number: 555-555-555



Dear Parents:

Welcome to first grade! I am very excited to have your child in my class this year! My goal is that by the end of the year each student will have a passion for learning and will understand the importance of education. We will work hard together to help each child reach their full potential. Our class will have many diverse learning experiences including group work, presentations, and field trips. I encourage you to take the time to help your child with their homework, and plan educational activities at home when you can. Parents play a large role in the success of their first graders. I look forward to working with you and your child this year.  Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.


Ms. Brewer

About me:

I received an MST in Childhood Education from Pace University. Previously I received a BBA and a MBA from Pace. I worked in public accounting before fulfilling my dream of being a teacher. I believe that education is very important and everyone deserves to be and should be educated so that they can have equal opportunities to fulfill themselves and contribute to society. I became a teacher to help make this possible.

Classroom Rules:

  • Be respectful – treat others the way you want to be treated
  • Raise your hand
  • Help each other
  • Be honest
  • Always try your best
  • Have fun!


  1. Warning
  2. Time out
  3. Write apology letter
  4. Contact parents
  5. Sent to principal’s office and parent conference


  • 4 = exceeds expectations
  • 3 = meets expectations
  • 2 = progressing towards expectations
  • 1 = below expectations


Operations and Algebraic Thinking:

  • Addition and subtraction
  • Word problems
  • Properties of operations

Big Idea: Students will understand that there is a relationship between addition and subtraction. They will learn how to tie English Language Arts (ELA) skills to math by solving word problems.

Essential Questions: How do you write addition and subtraction problems in a sentence? How do we solve word problems? Do we need to use English Language Arts (ELA) skills to solve math word problems? What is the relationship between addition and subtraction? Can we use addition to solve subtraction?

Number and Operations in Base Ten:

  • Place value
  • Use place value to add and subtract

Big Idea: Students will understand that tens and ones are different place values. They will understand that a two digit number has a number in the ones place and a number in the tens place.

Essential Question: Can a 2 digit number have a zero in the tens place? What about in the ones place? Why or why not?

Measurement and Data:

  • Measuring length
  • Tell and write time and money
  • Represent and interpret data

Big Idea:  Students will understand that they can compare the length of two objects indirectly by using a third object. Students will understand that in order to represent and interpret data they need ask and answer questions about the data points. Students will understand that the size and color of a coin distinguishes its monetary value.

Essential questions: How can you compare the length of two objects by using a third object? How does what we measure determine how we measure? What questions would you ask to interpret a data set? How can you determine if a coin is a penny, nickel, dime, or quarter?


  • Shapes and their attributes
  • Fractions

Big Idea: Students will understand the difference between two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. Students will understand that shapes can be broken into parts (fractions).

Essential Questions: What is the difference between a square and a cube? How can you represent the part and whole relationship?